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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The STD most men hide...

Today one of my clients looked like she had just sucked a lemon. Now as a gigolo with seventeen years in the business, I have been privy to many intimate conversations with women from all walks of life. Today, my client asked me how she, an attractive, educated, and well established professional was having a hard time getting her "man" to take their relationship to the next level. One question revealed the whole story.
"Are the both of you dating other people?" I asked.
"Yes, we see other people, but I don't have the same connection with anyone else." she replied.
Her diagnosis was simple. She was an acute S.T.D. while S.O.S. I thought she was going to slap me.
"I do not have an emergency case of a sexually transmitted disease. I'm smart enough to use protection!" she exclaimed.
Now, I was happy to hear she practiced safe sex, but the S.T.D. S.O.S I was referring to was an acronym. Something TDo while Stuck On Stupid. This lady had fallen victim to a charismatic charm and personality and had been willing to share those goodies with other women.
If you are allowing a man to actively date other women in front of your face, why do you expect it to go to another level? What's the point of buying a single cow when he can have a pasture full of milk?
Tip for the day: Don't line dance, when you want to two step.

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