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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Out of Control

"You're not leaving this house!" "Who are you going with and what time will you be back?"  "Just shut up and listen!"  He wanted to retaliate on many occasions but felt it best not to do so. After all, this was Big Mama; how dare he argue back with her? On the rare occasion when he and his friends were allowed unsupervised outings, they, too, complained of the tyrannical behavior of their Big Mamas. They were not small children and were all tired of  being spoken to as if they were toddlers.
"I'm tired of her mess! I'm going to run away from home!" said the youngest.
"I'm bigger than she is and every time she gets mad and yells at me I want to punch her in the face!" said another.
"Yeah!" the group chimed, nodding their heads in agreement. It was official. Something had to be done.
"I have an idea." said Marcus. He was the oldest and everyone looked up to him.
"If we all confronted our Big Mamas as a group, they might treat us better."
Knowing there was safety in numbers they agreed to put the plan into action.
"Since it was your idea, we'll go to your house first..." said the smallest. His Big Mama was much larger than he was and he wanted to see how their combined efforts would work elsewhere.
It was still early when they arrived, but that familiar sense of impending confrontation was in the air. Neither of them could see it, but they all felt it. They fought back waves of fear as they stepped on the porch.
"It's now or never." they whispered among themselves. "Let's do this!"
They had barely made it into the living room when they were surrounded by an impenetrable circle of bodies. All the Big mamas had phoned each other and had secretly gathered together to wait for their boys to arrive. All avenues of escape had been cut off and the only available option was to stand together and defend themselves.
"We are tired of being treated like small children!" said the eldest as he stared the women in the eyes.
"That's right!" echoed the others, emboldened by their leaders words.
"What makes you think you can talk to us any kind of way?"
"Shut up, we will discuss this later!" Big Mama growled as she stepped towards Marcus. Usually this display of aggression would cause him to cower away but, this time, he stood his ground. She had never really noticed, until this very moment, how large he actually was.
"Woman, I am thirty-seven years old!" he exploded.
"I am your man, not your baby and you will respect and address me as such!"
All the other men gathered around him in a display of masculine support.
"And if you don't...."
And that's when my alarm clock awakened me. Strange dream....

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