It's rare that I make the time to debunk the many myths and stereotypes that surround this profession. After all, men of my caliber and skill are rarely romantically encountered outside of the very close knit circles we inhabit. That leaves room for copycats and wannabes. The general consensus is that Escorts and Gigolos are one and the same. This could not be further from the truth. The thread that binds us is that we both screw. The divide that separates us is that we do it differently. The former screws the body, the latter, the mind.
Time to elaborate...
BOTH Gigolos and Escorts are predators. I will liken them to a Polar bear and Lion. There is no denying that both animals are Alpha on their respective turf. The prime differentiator is technique and selection of prey.
The Escort
Escorts are like lions. They are very formidable, but they go after weaker prey. Their style is to ambush and attack from behind. They generally hunt in groups called a pride. One of the major techniques of lions is to isolate their prey from the pack. They do this by carefully studying the "herd" and when a slower, less capable member is identified, they make their move. Escorts usually hunt in "packs". They have established beforehand who will do what. After laying back and surveying various groups of women, they select the weakest team and further isolate the weakest members of that team. A pride of lions instinctively know that more that one "meal" can be scored among a weak clan if the herd is properly separated. Usually the weaker group will have several members who suffer from some form of insecurity. Insecure women are generally strong as a unit, but fragile as individuals. Once isolated, the unsuspecting victim has little defense against the sharp claws and teeth of the Escorts charm. What usually ensues is unbridled, mind-blowing sex. And once a woman experiences that...
Most of her treasure is methodically drained through the gaping hole of her exploited sexuality. The Escorts victory is usually short-lived, though. The largest sexual organ a woman possesses is her brain and eventually that organ will need ample stimulation as well.
IMPRESSIVE, nevertheless. Next on deck...
The Gigolo
It's not by accident that the elusive Gigolo is compared to the magnificent Ursus maritimus. The very sight of the "Christmas" bear disarms your defenses and makes you want to have a Coke and a smile. How can something so cute be dangerous? Polar bears are loners and are extremely confident in their ability to subdue. The fact that Polar bears are seldom seen in groups makes identifying them in the wild a very difficult feat, (Unless,of course, you know where to look...)
Sea bears are not intimidated by the size and status of any of the prey it pursues. As a matter of fact, it usually hunts the largest member of the herd because it knows the larger the score, the longer the sustenance. A Polar bear's strength is in its ability to appear passive. The way it slides around on the ice and plays in snow are all tools it uses to deceive its prey. Why on earth should a wealthy woman with influence and status fear a charismatic, confident man who playfully mingles among the other prominent guests, while barely paying her any attention? She doesn't... until it's too late...
Most wealthy women are used to getting whatever they want, most Gigolos are expert at denying them. The Gigolo is a master of the "dangling carrot" ruse and uses it, quite effectively, to his advantage. Gigolos realize that a woman's sexuality can wane with time, but her imagination is timeless.
Tale of the tape
In the end the major difference between the two professions boils down to longevity. Although an escort is able to satisfy the temporary physical needs of his socially insecure host, he has yet to develop the skill set required to indefinitely manipulate the insatiable craving of her minds. The Gigolo, on the other hand, has...
Escorts achieve a life, Gigolos acquire lifestyles and there is a big difference between the two.
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