The Zone of Enchantment (Z.O.E.): noun; definition. YOUR VAGINA.
The Heart Attack: adj; definition. A MAN'S ROMANTIC RESPONSE TOWARDS YOU.
Here goes...
The only thing men want from you is your vagina.
This simple truth is so hard for most women to comprehend. Even though I am one of the most sought-after "Men for Hire" in the country, most women reading this post will REFUSE to believe me. They will allow their over-romanticized inner child to continuously deceive them into waiting on a Prince Charming that will never come.
It warrants repeating.
The one thing you possess that men want most is your VAGINA!!!
If you did not possess a vagina, most men would not deal with you... period.
It's true.
Instead of accepting this truth, you would rather make it about your heart, emotions, or ability to inject companionship into his life. (all of which can be attained by simply joining a local men's club or buying a dog). No, HE wants your "Z.O.E.," and YOU want him to have a Heart Attack. Since these are two entirely opposing objectives, they collide. Women bring too much emotional expectation to the table that threatens to challenge the man's unspoken motto:
"When you want to talk, call a friend. When you want to @#%$; call me."
Let's talk biology... notice how our bodies are designed.
Men are "punchers," and women are "receivers," On some level, we are constantly at war.
No matter how tough you are, if you "receive" enough "punches" to the gut, you are going down.
Imagining that you can offer your sex in exchange for his heart is like squaring off in the ring with a professional fighter. You may last a few rounds and even manage to score a few points, but eventually, you will end up lying flat on your back. The question now becomes, "Where do you go from here?"
Answer this. "How has your state of thinking worked out for you?" If the man of your dreams is a permanent fixture in your life, I congratulate you. But if you are tired of walking around the same mountain of discontent and want to attract a "real" man into your life, use his desire to your advantage and e.t.c...which stands for...
Erase the Coochie... pretend it doesn't even exist.
It will not be easy, especially if "giving it up" has been your primary pattern in the past, but when you close the Z.O.E, you increase the odds of a Heart Attack! Men are wired to "Chase the Cat." He brings cards, candy, and flowers during that chase. Romantic dinners, good conversation, walks in the park. He makes time for you, talks to you all hours of the night, and makes himself available to your every whim....are you starting to get the picture? All these things are romantic keys used to pick the lock of your Zoe. You possess (and will keep) this incredible power to influence his heart attack until the moment he picks your lock. It goes downhill because you have played the only actual card you had in your hand. Now, if you complain, it's on to the next one.
Point to ponder: We don't get what we deserve; we get what we negotiate. Keep your power.
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