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Friday, November 4, 2011

Dating vs Courting... Where are you?

Does your love life resemble a country western barn dance; constantly switching partners at the drop of a hat? In my profession, that's a desired outcome, but it will hardly suffice if you are truly looking for lasting love. I want to give you an idea that could revolutionize your dating experience. It's so simple yet so many people miss it... Here it is:
If you are not married, you're single.
Why is this simple truth overlooked by the masses? The answer is:
Most people court, they don't date.
People who date realize the value in getting to know several people over a certain span of time.
By utilizing this option and maintaining certain standards, one can weed out the serious prospects from the duds. The only way the BEST option can be chosen is by comparing it to other options.
That's not what most people do. 
Instead, they court.
They latch onto the most attractive person they find and then its off to the races!
They want nothing to do with anyone else. In a nutshell, they ACT married.
All time and energy is invested into a relationship that ultimately implodes. As you gaze upon the smoldering ashes of  "time wasted" with this individual you realize you hardly had anything in common besides initial attraction.
How many more days or years of your life will you continue to spend on situations(not relationships) that do not produce dividends?
I know what you were taught, but we must sometimes unlearn in order to relearn. 
Think about it.


  1. You said it very well! I want to be with someone that I connect with and beyond the outward beauty of a person. A couple will never last if they do not have a mental, spiritual, soul, mind, body and heart connection! and i disagree with people that say opposites attract!, sure one can have strengths the other doesn't have and can have different likes, however a couple has to have many things in common to be compatible, this brings everyday enjoyments and excitements towards each other. I was married 21 years and we had nothing in common and both of us was very unhappy and did not enjoy each other, there was also no connection of any kind. Starting out two people must have mental, spiritual, soul, mind, body and heart connection! Then start out building from there and getting to know each other in a very intimate way.


    1. 21 years is a very long time to be hitched to someone that you don't connect with. I hope you find what you are looking for the next time around.
