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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Gigolo Basic Training 101

Today, I will teach you the methodology of securing and seducing an older woman.

First, let's identify the prey.

Women sexually peak much later in life than men. In that truism lies the potential for a beautiful, if not perfect, storm. The older and more successful a woman becomes, so do her sexual needs and allowances. Her traditional definition of a man takes a backseat to advanced age and diminishing options.

Step One: After identifying the target, remain patient until she notices you. Older women are not bashful and will approach a man who piques their interest. Never, under any circumstance, initiate the wallet, fore whoever pays for the first anything establishes that pattern for the duration of the relationship. (Most men make this fatal mistake). After a while, pretend you have someplace to go. (This is called the sink and hook). Notice her reaction... What's her physiology? Has she been invading your personal space? Has she touched you often? If she has slightly parted her legs while talking to you, it's a subconscious cue she is sexually attracted. Do not proceed further until you notice these signs.

Step Two: Showcase your charisma. Talk about the novel you are writing or the hunting expedition you shall soon be undertaking. Most of the men her age are stable and predictable, appealing to a young girl but does not appeal to an older woman's desire for adventure and risk. The timing of your first intimate contact must be impeccable, as most women will remember even the most minute details of a first kiss.

Step Three: Project a sense of struggle. As long as you can evoke the image of a suffering young man, you are golden. She does not want to hear that you are winning. (that's what older men are for). Eventually, her maternal disposition kicks in, followed by her purse strings. Tread carefully, though. If you are too eager, she will run; she will be confused too slow. If you have been playing your cards right, she should be paying your rent and other miscellaneous living expenses when you reach this milestone.

Step four: Exploit her sexuality. An experienced woman with raging hormones can provide all sorts of carnal delights. Your imagination is an open invitation to the willing older woman. When a woman owns her body, she can even turn the missionary position into an extraordinary experience.

If you are worth your salt, you will have her religiously talking about you to her other affluent girlfriends.

The conflicting desire to be with her yet be on your own so that you may finally come into yourself is called "continual resistance," and it is vital. If she believes this ruse, she will physically introduce you to her friends (to get their vote of confidence) before she openly declares her love and desire to move in with you. 

Hold steady!

For far greater treasure, embrace the temporary discomfort that awaits the patient and wise. An older woman has access to a world of social and professional opportunity that youth cannot even begin to fathom. Age is like a secret society, proving to be a limitless source of possibility to its members. Undoubtedly the woman has changed her career path at least once, likewise her friends. She has carefully accumulated contacts and favors. One need not know the cost of patronage if one knows the patron. And one need not be her child to partake of the motherly affections of help and promotion an older woman offers. Both emboldened by your strong back and her newly found sexual prowess, she will help you succeed, motivated by the fear that her boy toy could up and leave her at a moment's notice. 

Never say that you do not love her, which, by default, means that you never tell her you to love her, either.

A real job is counter-productive as a well-played game of gigolo can provide you with all of your material needs and creature comforts.

Lastly, avoid the game killer:


Should one of her girlfriends happen to one day call you out of the blue, be cautious. It is either a trap or an invitation to a more lucrative arrangement. Not knowing the difference proves financially fatal.

Point to Ponder: You will only be as valuable as your ability to stay out of reach and provide consistent excitement, fear, and crises, so it is well-advised that you keep that chest and those abs firmly in place.

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