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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The best lovemaking position?

The best lovemaking position?

It can be quite difficult to find the right one since men and women have different mind-blowing positions. Another fact that you should know about lovemaking is that you can intensify the sensation by moving one inch in either direction while doing the deed..

Attention to Female
Reverse Missionary –This is one of the best positions for women. It is the typical missionary position except the woman is on top. She assumes control and can stimulate areas such as the G-Spot and the clitoris. Gents, chivalry should be incorporated in lovemaking, so let your lady reach her plataeu first.

Bow wow wow, yippy yo, yippy yay!
Men are called “canines” for a reason. They LOVE the doggie style. It may not be as intimate as other positions since you cannot gaze into each other’s eyes, however, there are many sexual benefits this trade off allows. First, you can caress her breasts, back, neck, stomach and even her clitoris. Secondly, she can touch her own body and increase her sensation.

 (Please note that guys are usually more visually stimulated than women so the view of their woman’s apple-shaped bottom floating back and forth in the air is nothing short of heaven. Men like to watch while doing the deed.)

You will find hundreds of lovemaking positions in books like Kama Sutra, but actually there are only about eight  (with variation) that really spice things up. Variety is the spice of life and it is very important that you learn the sexual needs of your partner. Be adventurous and have fun exploring each others zones of enchantment”.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Attract and Approach Beautiful Women...

The Alpha female usually surrounds herself with less attractive females. This method proves beneficial to all involved. It works for the Alpha female because it assures that she will be the most desired and sought after woman in the group. It helps her "underlings" because they will benefit from the added attention by association. To get to the Alpha you must first penetrate the pack and that can be a most daunting challenge, but today I will share my time tested technique of infiltration.
Remember: Men are more logical than women but the laws that govern attraction follow no clear patterns of logic.
Strategy: Set her apart from her friends, but for all the wrong reasons.(Keep in mind that she is accustomed to a lot of attention so her experiences will be different than theirs)
Goal: To be viewed and discussed in a positive light once you leave.
Now you may be thinking. "All this sounds great, Vincent, but I have no game."
Relax, I am getting ready to share with you a well guarded trick of the trade that works ninety-five percent of the time. Before I teach you this technique, I must first warn you that confidence is key. So, even if you perfect everything I am about to share with you, but you lack the confidence required for execution: you will FAIL. That being said, let us get to the heart of the matter...

The Approach:  Be certain of your choice before you start your approach. Last minute changes after you've committed could work against you. Walk to the table with a smile. Greet them as a unit and start a conversation. Personally, I would recommend something along these lines...

"Hello. You look like a group of intelligent, able-minded women. Perhaps you could give me some insight on something I overheard today...

This method works because you have successfully engaged the whole clan. At this point, singling out one over the others could be considered disrespectful and earn you "buster" points. Once you collect a few "BP'"s  from  one clan member others usually follow.

Listen: It really doesn't matter what the others have to say, the only opinion you are interested in is the Alpha. Agree with everyone until she, (Alpha), speaks, then strongly disagree with her. Respectfully argue your point against hers. This display promotes friction and personal interaction. She is used to men agreeing with her to get in her good graces, but your ability to hold your ground will arouse her. There is also a good chance of her girlfriends siding with you since you agreed with their points earlier.It is important to know when to stop this back and forth banter, because you don't want to appear brutish. As you prepare to leave, thank the group for their time and valuable insight. Make a remark to the Alpha along the lines of:
"I would give you my number if I didn't think you would stalk me!"
This will usually spark an equally witty and flirtatious response. If it does, you're in there.

At this point walk away. Do not disturb them again. If you should happen to know other people attending the event hang with them, if not, locate other attractive people and blend in. Trust me, the table is talking about you and the Alpha female is covertly  tracking your movements.

There are several ways to close this deal of deliberate attraction. I will suggest one method and leave the others to your own resourcefulness and imagination.

Closing the Deal: If you have friends attending the event, go "borrow the Alpha"  for a few minutes and make introductions. (If you are attending alone, the method works the same way) Introduce her as the most fascinating woman you have met in a while and casually suggest exchanging contact information. In my experience, whatever you write down on a piece of paper she will unconsciously mirror it. I would suggest a name and email address since most people will ask for a phone number.

This is only one of many available techniques, but if properly applied this one will work wonders in increasing your dating success.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How to Survive a Break Up.

It’s difficult to imagine Batman without Robin, Sherlock without Holmes, and Scooby without Doo…  Yet the loss of your significant other may have left you feeling like a superhero with no sidekick. After all, a break up is something that was reserved for “other people” until it knocked on your front door. At some point in time, we all have experienced the emotional pain, disappointment and sense of loss caused by a break up. And if you haven’t, keep on living; you’ll get your chance! It’s inevitable. As long as you choose to romantically engage another human being you will eventually be told (or end up telling} someone to kick rocks. At first, you may feel you can’t survive without the familiar support and comfort of your ex lover, but you can! Reaching the fork in the road doesn’t have to leave you stranded on the “highway of love “. Following these three suggestions will work wonders in helping you get back on your feet in no time.
Step one: CRY.  In a situation like this, it’s okay to be a big baby. Tears cleanse the soul. The tendency to internalize your frustration only lengthens the recovery process. It happened. He or she is gone and it HURTS! Take as much time as you need to embrace this reality. Moving forward too quickly could cause you to carry excessive baggage into your next relationship. It’s never a good idea to make someone pay for another person’s mistakes. It may seem callow, but it works. So, forgive yourself.  Have “one last cry” and leave it there.
Step Two: Rediscover your identity. It’s easy to lose yourself in a relationship. Often times we were so preoccupied with the other person that we lost sight on our own uniqueness. If we will be honest, most of us could admit to initially adding or subtracting significant portions of our personality to appease the object of our affection. Now that we are single, we may find ourselves in a stupor.  We often can’t think past the other person as to what it took to make us happy. When we were in a relationship we were happily engaged in the task of “molding” our partner into the shape we wanted them to be in. It never really dawned on us that, in the process, we were being molded, by them, as well. Reconnect with your individuality; get back to being you.
Step Three: Date. Enjoy your independence. Don’t get too serious with anyone too quickly. Know, in advance, that you may get hurt again, but living to avoid rejection is no life at all. Every relationship brings the possibility of pain, but we cannot live a life of fear. You deserve another chance. There is a world of people out there anxious to meet you! Why not give them the pleasure of making your acquaintance today?
 There are many other methods that may be employed on your road towards redemption; I have outlined only a few. No matter what steps you personally decide to apply, the most important thing is that you keep moving forward. Keep the faith, you will become a Dynamic Duo again and eventually unite with your Peaches or Herb, your Hall or Oates, your Super or Man...

                                                                                                                         By: Dr. Mytou 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Dating vs Courting... Where are you?

Does your love life resemble a country western barn dance; constantly switching partners at the drop of a hat? In my profession, that's a desired outcome, but it will hardly suffice if you are truly looking for lasting love. I want to give you an idea that could revolutionize your dating experience. It's so simple yet so many people miss it... Here it is:
If you are not married, you're single.
Why is this simple truth overlooked by the masses? The answer is:
Most people court, they don't date.
People who date realize the value in getting to know several people over a certain span of time.
By utilizing this option and maintaining certain standards, one can weed out the serious prospects from the duds. The only way the BEST option can be chosen is by comparing it to other options.
That's not what most people do. 
Instead, they court.
They latch onto the most attractive person they find and then its off to the races!
They want nothing to do with anyone else. In a nutshell, they ACT married.
All time and energy is invested into a relationship that ultimately implodes. As you gaze upon the smoldering ashes of  "time wasted" with this individual you realize you hardly had anything in common besides initial attraction.
How many more days or years of your life will you continue to spend on situations(not relationships) that do not produce dividends?
I know what you were taught, but we must sometimes unlearn in order to relearn. 
Think about it.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Falling in love is like falling into a ditch....

Honestly, when is the last time you wanted to fall into ANYTHING....Most people I know wouldn't see a deep ditch in front of them, contemplate the potential of personal injury, then run with reckless abandon and throw themselves into it and end up looking like Lil Wayne. Now, if we wouldn't knowingly FALL into a ditch, then why would we want to FALL in love? Falling sounds scary and painful...Why not trip and "stumble" into love...or roll back the covers and "lie down" on a soft mattress of love...or...Well, you get my point.....Falling is a natural occurance, but it definately is not a planned event. We usually fall when we are distracted....In the case with love, we are distracted by the inner beauty of the person"s character and the value they bring to our lives. We lose sight of our "selfish and single" mentality and end up driving off the road and landing in the "Ditch of Hitch" with the stains of love all over our clothes....Does anyone have any Clorox?

Men cheat because...

When it comes to women and exclusive relationships, men are silly, indecisive creatures seemingly devoid of any form of mental commitment apparatus. I'm an expert on the subject having been a chronic sufferer for many years. We are afraid to commit because we are all wired with a biological tendency to cheat. Men are visual reactors that respond to "The Fineness".  "The Fineness" lurks behind the playful eyes, within the flirtatious smile, or poured into the tight-fitting, low-rise jeans of anyone besides our own partner. It tempts us, seducing us into thinking that what we have at home isn’t quite good enough. It points out personal and physical flaws in our relationships, that could very easily be overlooked, and blinds us to the fact that we are chasing Vienna Sausage in the streets when we have Filet Mignon at home. It causes us to see very, very green grass on the other side of the white picket fence. We cheat because we fear the unknown.. Its like we unconsciencely expect relationships to eventually give out of gas and stall on the highway of love. No wonder we run through so many....When you mentally prepare yourself for failure, the pain of the sting doesn't hurt so bad...What if, however, we do a 180? Why not just make up our mind that we are where we need to be and burn all bridges that lead to the fineness? If your present situation is paying above average dividends, why not continue investing funds into that stock? The buck has to stop somewhere...why not with you? Yep, "The Fineness" is a formidable foe, indeed, but not invincible.....All it takes is a changed and made up mind. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Don't rush romance

One evening my friends, Lamar, Khloe and I were enjoying a light dinner on the luxurious terrace of a certain Beverly Hills hotel. The topic of conversation centered around expectations, commitment and reality. Being the proverbial bachelor, I am often intrigued by confessions of committed love. The way successful couples seamlessly blend the opposing rhythms of passion and compassion into a harmonious, selfless symphony of submission and cooperation leaves me spellbound. For most, it is much easier to walk away than compromise. As we were sharing a hearty laugh, Khloe's sister, Kimberly approached our party.
 One would think that a beautiful woman such as she would have settled down by now, but those of us acquainted with "the public" know all too well, the complications of celebrity.
 "May I speak with you in private?" she asked through tear-filled eyes.
"But of course!" I responded as I wiped my mouth and stood to my feet.
I nodded my apologies as I took her by the arm and headed towards the shimmering fountain in the center of the court.
"I want that." she said.
"I see what Lamar and Khloe have and I want that for me!"
I handed her a handkerchief to dry her eyes while I searched for a few consoling words.
Finally, I spoke.
"Love is akin to a seed planted in the ground, it starts to grow only after it dies.
The pressure of outside forces, the loneliness of isolated darkness... the longing for a greater purpose... such are the symptoms of true love.
The seed must go through dark places and that journey has to be traveled alone, but the determination to persevere is ever present. There is no reciprocity in the ground because the only thing the seed can do is receive.
In time, though, after the seed has gone through the process, it finally breaks free and is ready the greet the awaiting sunshine.
It is ready to contribute as well as receive.
You are that seed.
 Enjoy your process and don't hurry it along. Your ray of light is right around the corner."
"You always know just what to say." she laughed as she wiped her eyes.
"I'm going to try to be more patient. Hey, I'm glad we are friends."
I kissed her softly on the cheek as we headed back to the table.
"So am I, Kim. So am I."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Out of Control

"You're not leaving this house!" "Who are you going with and what time will you be back?"  "Just shut up and listen!"  He wanted to retaliate on many occasions but felt it best not to do so. After all, this was Big Mama; how dare he argue back with her? On the rare occasion when he and his friends were allowed unsupervised outings, they, too, complained of the tyrannical behavior of their Big Mamas. They were not small children and were all tired of  being spoken to as if they were toddlers.
"I'm tired of her mess! I'm going to run away from home!" said the youngest.
"I'm bigger than she is and every time she gets mad and yells at me I want to punch her in the face!" said another.
"Yeah!" the group chimed, nodding their heads in agreement. It was official. Something had to be done.
"I have an idea." said Marcus. He was the oldest and everyone looked up to him.
"If we all confronted our Big Mamas as a group, they might treat us better."
Knowing there was safety in numbers they agreed to put the plan into action.
"Since it was your idea, we'll go to your house first..." said the smallest. His Big Mama was much larger than he was and he wanted to see how their combined efforts would work elsewhere.
It was still early when they arrived, but that familiar sense of impending confrontation was in the air. Neither of them could see it, but they all felt it. They fought back waves of fear as they stepped on the porch.
"It's now or never." they whispered among themselves. "Let's do this!"
They had barely made it into the living room when they were surrounded by an impenetrable circle of bodies. All the Big mamas had phoned each other and had secretly gathered together to wait for their boys to arrive. All avenues of escape had been cut off and the only available option was to stand together and defend themselves.
"We are tired of being treated like small children!" said the eldest as he stared the women in the eyes.
"That's right!" echoed the others, emboldened by their leaders words.
"What makes you think you can talk to us any kind of way?"
"Shut up, we will discuss this later!" Big Mama growled as she stepped towards Marcus. Usually this display of aggression would cause him to cower away but, this time, he stood his ground. She had never really noticed, until this very moment, how large he actually was.
"Woman, I am thirty-seven years old!" he exploded.
"I am your man, not your baby and you will respect and address me as such!"
All the other men gathered around him in a display of masculine support.
"And if you don't...."
And that's when my alarm clock awakened me. Strange dream....

Friday, January 28, 2011

Pleasure Poots

Let's face it, unexpected things happen; especially during "sexy time". As a professional, I must be ready to engage any intimate mishap with a gracious demeanor. Sometimes it's difficult to maintain one's composure, but losing control could eliminate any future opportunities for rehire. I remember one such incident early on in my "love for hire" career. She was a very  popular R&B singer who was extremely shy around people she did not know. Because of the image her label wanted to portray, she was never seen in public with a date. I was hired by her management team to provide discreet male companionship on various occasions, wherever she happened to be in the country. As time passed we became close friends and she decided one night to "take it there". I was terribly attracted to her, but had learned that sex was a weapon that should be brandished with care. After a romantic dinner we went back to her hotel for a nightcap. One thing led to another and soon we found ourselves lost in the throes of passion. Before long, a curious aroma started to fill the room.
"What's that awful smell?" I thought to myself.
There I was, holding this sex symbol in my arms, about to pass out from the horrid vapors of this invisible demon that had suddenly invaded the bedroom and possessed my nostrils while my partner was laying there moaning and thrashing about beneath me. It didn't take me long to discover the source of the funk. It was my lover! She was so enraptured by the sensations of our love making session that she was emitting "pleasure poots" underneath the covers. Both our eyes were rolled back in our heads, hers from extreme pleasure, mine from the threat of suffocation.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" she finally screamed while digging her nails into my back.
Let me tell you... that orgasm came in the nick of time, because I immediately collapsed on my side beside her  feverishly panting into my pillowcase. We never again made love after that night. A few weeks later we bumped into each other at the Grammy Awards. She playfully hugged my neck and seductively whispered into my ear,
"You're afraid of me. Do you remember how my good loving "knocked you out"?
 I smiled and told her how vividly I remembered that encounter. I just have never found the heart to tell her that it wasn't her skills as a lover that knocked me out, but the lack of oxygen going to my brain from holding my breath.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pamper Pants

"I'm sick and tired of being disrespected. No matter how much I lay down the law, she basically ignores me!"
Augusta was one of my favorite courses to play. I bent down to survey the slope of the green. This was going to be a tricky shot.
"Would you be afraid of a snaggletoothed lion with no claws? I asked my friend as I placed my golfball on the tee.
"Why not? He would still be "King" of the jungle".
"Sure, he'd still be the king of the jungle, but without those teeth and claws he might as well be a big house cat."
My friend was a model who had been featured in several major international publications. He was used to the finer things in life and, like myself, earned his living off of his looks, charm and charisma. His problems began when he allowed himself  to fall in love with his benefactress.
"Would it be fair to say you were a "pampered" man?" I asked.
"That would be fair."
"And how would you describe this "Life of Riley"?
"Well, she makes sure that I keep money in my pocket. I don't have to pay any rent because she lets me stay in her house and she pays the note and insurance on the Benz."
"What about your food and clothes?"
"We have a personal chef that cooks during the week and she keeps me looking good."
"Then why are you complaining? It sounds like you have it made."
"I'm complaining because she doesn't ask my opinion on anything!" he yelled.
"Whenever I offer a suggestion, she just brushes me off and calls me cute."
"So, basically, you want to wear the pants."
"Yes, I want my voice to be heard in my relationship!"
Judging from the annoyed stares we were attracting due to his loud outbursts I was certain his voice was not the problem.
"It's hard to demand the pants when you're wearing a pamper. You're a Pamper Pants"
"A what? What on Earth is a pamper pants, Vincent?"
I wanted to be tactful, but I had to be direct.
"A pamper pants is a man who enjoys being pampered by a woman, but wears a pamper when it comes to influencing her decision making process."
"But that's not fair,  he retorted. "A woman is supposed to support and take care of her man!"
"Not like she's his mama. Let me ask you a question. How serious would the world have taken Hitler if he was walking around in a pamper?"
After a moment of silence, he responded.
I selected a five iron from my bag and lined up my swing.
"Four!" I yelled as I looked down the green way and blasted the ball towards the white flag.